Friday, September 11, 2009

Days 9, 10, 11

Ok, so clearly I'm not the best at updating on a daily basis. Some days I find it hard enough to find time to write at all, let alone blog afterwards. But anyway, here's the deal:

My main character recently lost a loved one and is trying to assert her independence. From everyone. Ever. In life. However, she is also living with her band on a tour bus. Not exactly the easiest way to keep to yourself, right? Especially when one of your roomies is a prospective love interest.

So I'm currently working on demonstrating the fine line she walks in living so closely with so many people, while also trying to feel as though she has some control in her whirlwind of a life.

There are a few reasons this scene takes place in Busch Gardens. One, I've been there. Two, my characters are in Virginia. Three, Busch Gardens is a happy place, making it a great setting for uncomfortable topics mixed with a bit of humor. Plus, who doesn't want to go to Busch Gardens on their day off?

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