Monday, September 7, 2009

Days 6 and 7 - The Walls Close In

I managed to get in a bit of writing while waiting for a certain video website to let me watch another episode of Dollhouse. Unfortunately, most of this writing consisted of me staring at my white walls and wondering who on earth decided a room should be this color. Now, I'm sure someone out there probably really likes white walls. If that's you, I'm so happy for you. But it's not me. It's my personal opinion that white walls are meant to be padded, and the people in them should have shoes with velcro straps so they can't use their shoelaces for anything dangerous.

In spite of spending several hours worrying about whether the walls should be Jungle Green or Magic Mint (yes, those are the Crayola color names), I did get through a few hundred words. And it brings me to day 7's topic: finding a comfortable place to write.

We can't all just sit down and write wherever, whenever and however we choose. Sometimes, you need to find a place that inspires you without bringing on any distractions. I know that I have a lot of trouble focusing when I am using my laptop, as there are so many fun things I can use it for other than writing (ie: planning vacations I will never take, stalking people on facebook, and the ever popular games that my laptop has installed, not to mention the endless hours of "web-surfing" that often yield no results whatsoever). Today, being Day 7 (and also Labor Day), I took it upon myself to find a nice, comfortable, well-lit area that ISN'T my bed to write from. I grabbed my MetroCard, bought a delicious Pumpkim Spice Latte, and settled myself down against my favorite tree in Central Park. While I was mildly distracted by the adorable puppies romping through the park, especially the two playing right by me, I was able to get through a good chunk of the scene that takes place at Busch Gardens, and it only took me a few hours.

It was incredible to be out in the sunlight, and the weather was fabulous! I only wish I had a few more days off of work in this amazing weather to sit in the park with my coffee and write. Maybe after work tomorrow...

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